Student-Athlete Pre-Participation Forms
To be cleared medically by the athletic training staff, all student-athletes (new, returning, and transfer student-athletes) must have a pre-participation physical exam from a Medical Doctor and complete and return the following forms prior to participation in any athletic practice or event. Physical exams are arranged through the athletic training staff. Each semester there will be an arranged date and time for physicals. Student-athletes can obtain schedules through their coaches, checking on this website, or coming by the athletic training room.
*Each student-athlete should download both forms.
All Student-Athletes:
1. Remember to LEGIBLY fill out the form and you MUST PRINT all information along with your name and date of birth on the top back.
2. Athlete must SIGN the bottom of page and date it.
3. Medical provider fills out back of form and most importantly PRINTS NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, DATE OF EXAM, CIRCLES MD OR DO AND STAMPS FORM.
Student-Athlete Physical Form
The pre-participation physical form must be signed by an M.D. D.O. N.P or P.A. The pre-participation physical must be done annually and submitted to the athletic training staff before the first official day of practice.
Location for Physicals: ($30 Fee)
CornerHealth Urgent Care
2077 Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
O: 949-740-7117
Returning Athlete Health History (pdf)
Sports Ware Online is the way student athletes will sign and submit all medical releases, insurance documentation, emergency contact information ect. All documentation must be updated annually.